
Guests on Podcasts

Happily Ever After Is Just The Beginning!

Stay or Go? What If There’s Another Option for Your Marriage?

Your relationship started out so great. You knew it wasn’t going to be all sunshine and roses. What you didn’t expect was for it to go so off track. For many couples, this is the time one of you starts to contemplate divorce. It’s not really what either of you want, but neither of you like the way your relationship is right now. Is it even possible to turn things around? Marriage workshop leaders and authors of Hope After Hurt: From Heartache to Healing Rob and Roxanne Maroney answer that question with a resounding “YES” and are here to tell you how.

Hope After Hurt: Leader Discussion Guide

Thank you for being willing to lead a group through Hope After Hurt. It is our prayer it will be a meaningful time of growth and comfort for all who attend. As a group leader, you are not responsible for answering all their questions, fixing their situation, or being their counselor. However, you are there to encourage them to read and reflect, to persevere in this process, to be present with them in their pain and most importantly to guide the group time so everyone benefits the most. The following are a few guidelines we think will help you do just that.

Hope After Hurt